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Benchmark #

myOrbik offers a powerful benchmarking feature that allows you to compare your products with others in the same sector. This feature helps you assess how your product stands in terms of security and vulnerability management relative to similar products.

Industry Benchmarking #

myOrbik provides anonymized metrics that compare your product against the overall average number of vulnerabilities found in similar products. By utilizing aggregated data, we calculate how your product performs in comparison to the industry average. This comparison helps you understand whether your product is performing better or worse than the majority of products in the same sector in terms of vulnerability counts.

  • Anonymized Metrics: The comparison is made using anonymized data, ensuring that no specific product or company information is exposed.
  • Above or Below Average: The benchmark shows whether your product is above or below the average in terms of the number of vulnerabilities found in similar products.
  • Sector Comparison: The comparison is made with other products from the same sector, providing you with relevant insights into how your product stacks up against your competitors.

This benchmark can be invaluable in understanding your product’s security posture and identifying areas for improvement.

Product-to-Product Comparison #

In addition to comparing against the sector average, myOrbik also allows you to make direct comparisons between two products. This feature enables you to compare specific versions of products to see how their vulnerabilities match up.

  • Version-Specific Comparison: You can compare the vulnerabilities of two specific product versions, allowing for more precise and actionable insights.
  • Detailed Vulnerability Analysis: The comparison will highlight differences in the types and numbers of vulnerabilities between the two products, helping you identify areas where one product may have more or fewer vulnerabilities than the other.

This feature is useful for understanding the security differences between different versions of the same product or comparing two competing products to assess their security strength.

By leveraging both the industry-wide benchmarking and product-to-product comparison features, myOrbik helps you gain valuable insights into the security landscape of your products and make data-driven decisions to improve your product’s vulnerability management.

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